Thursday, September 26, 2019

Egg Drop Essay

Please go to or your Clever account to submit your egg drop essay. You should have gotten an email notifying you of the creation of this physics course in Canvas that we'll use for submitting this assignment.  Due 11:59pm, September 27 2019.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Egg Drop Project

SOS Lakeside High Science EGG DROP CONTEST


Object: To design a much needed egg transport vehicle (ETV) to convey uncooked eggs through a vertical height of approximately 12 m – Will be used for future mission to Mars

Team:  Each team will consist of 4 engineers and have a name to identify the team. (4 max – no exceptions)

Apparatus: Each ETV must meet the following specifications:

a.     size: the ETV, when in the configuration it will have when falling, must be able to fit inside a volume that is in the shape of a rectangular box with dimensions: 25 cm x 25 cm x 50 cm

b. materials: The vehicle must be constructed entirely of one or more of the following materials: wood, metal, cloth, rubber, paper, string, feathers, glue, or cardboard. Plastics, styrofoam, or other synthetic packing materials are forbidden. Inflated balloons of any type are also forbidden.  Cloth as packing material is not accepted.  Socks are not accepted.  Peanut butter and marshmallows are not accepted.  Straws are banned if used for more than 20% of the materials in project.                                       If different paper types are used -
(e.g. poster board, binder paper, construction paper, etc), each paper type will count as a different material.  (see scoring equation below)                                                                         Duh.  NO PARACHUTES OR ARTIFICIAL MEANS OF BREAKING THE ETV’S FALL.  IF YOU ARE NOT SURE, PLEASE ASK.
Materials must be approved by instructor.  ********NO EXCEPTIONS

1. Each entry will be qualified by seeing that the requirements for size and materials mentioned above are met. Any violation will disqualify the entry. The mass of each entry will also be recorded.
2. Eggs will be supplied to contestants at the time of the contest (medium size).
3. Contestants must be able to secure their eggs in the containers within 5 minutes.
4. The ETV, with egg, will be dropped by a team member from the roof of the building (being held level with the ledge at the time of release) to the concrete below.

1.     Immediately after a drop, both egg and ETV will be submitted to the contest judge. Each egg will be judged undamaged or damaged (contains visible cracks or worse). If the egg is damaged, the score for the ETV will be zero.

2. For those ETVs with undamaged eggs, a score will be assigned as follows:

SCORE = x1 + x2
where x1 = 10 x (mass of ETV in grams)
            x2 = 100 x (number of different materials used in the design)
3. The best design will be judged to be the one with the lowest score.  The team with the lowest score gets an automatic option to waive their lowest score quiz for the 1st semester.   (in other words, the winning team member gets to choose which quiz taken during the 1st semester that he/she would like to score as exempt.) 

Scoring and Timetable – Tentative and could change as the week progresses:
Thursday  9/19/19  Team formation, brainstorming, and design. Think of a name for the ETV and the team.  No smart phones and access to the internet are allowed during this process.  Must be team created through brainstorming.  Must submit a blueprint showing exterior and interior ETV.  (1 for the team, not individual members) and materials list by the end of the class – Must build to design.  Any changes to design must be approved or entry is disqualified.  Materials must be approved by instructor - 50 pts
Friday  9/20/19  Materials Due.  1 Poster Started – Poster must be in color and minimum size of 18 x 24 inches.  The poster will show a rendering of your ETV.  The poster needs a title, labels, color, names of team members.  (be descriptive – 1 poster for team) Team members need to acquire material the day/night before and bring to class on Monday.  Start Building.   ****poster material needs to be one piece poster cardstock alternative, poster can be advertising style – must show rendering of vehicle but then add slogans, benefits, as if selling the vehicle to the public
Monday-Thursday 9/23-9/26 In class assembly
Friday 9/27 Essay due, qualification check, and competition – Vehicle 100 pts  Poster 100 pts
Essay on how this lab relates to labs and other chapters and what you learned individually and working with a team.  Title is:  SOS Lakeside HS Egg Drop Engineering and Design Contest.  This is an individual essay.  In other words, each team member must write their own essay.  Need to use formulas, explanations, vocabulary words, and applications.  Calculate the velocity of the ETV when it hits the ground.  You must also write about your role on the team and how the team decided on names, designs, construction, etc. The days this week mirrors what you might experience in a design, manufacturing, engineering company.  Describe the process including the interactions you had with your group.  Was there someone who controlled all the decisions?  How was it decided who took various roles?   It must be typed and double spaced. Are there any ways you might improve the design of your ETV in the future.  Minimum length of essay is 2 pages double spaced.   ****CAN EMAIL ESSAY.  ORIGINAL ESSAY – NO PLAGIARISM – Content terms must be included in essay along with application – gravity, free fall, acceleration, displacement, velocity, formulas for motion, NEWTON LAWS
SCORING  (total 350 pts) plus extra credit
Blueprint 50 pts each team member
Essay 100 pts each team member
Poster 100 pts  each team member
Completed model 100 each member – model must match blueprint and material list

Winnerwinner of each class get the lowest quiz waived for the semester AND Receive 100 extra credit points.  (must take the quiz – cannot skip a quiz)   see page 1 for scoring equation   WINNER OVERALL FOR all Physics CLASSES 100PTS    TOTAL POSSIBLE 200 PTS EXTRA CREDIT

Friday, September 13, 2019

DSJ-Lab NB page 26-27

DSJ: Scalar vs. Vector                                                    LNB Page 26
Tuesday 9/10/19
DSJ Questions: Explain the difference between scalar and vector quantities.

DSJ Answer: (At least 5 sentences, number/highlight. You may use examples or diagrams in place of sentences)


LNB Page 26
DSJ: Acceleration                                                           LNB Page 27
Thursday 9/12/19
DSJ Questions: How are velocity and acceleration related? What is the equation for acceleration? What are the units used for acceleration?

DSJ Answers: (At least 5 sentences, number/highlight)


LNB Page 27

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Physics HW

Complete the left 2 columns of notes for Chapter 4.1 and 4.2, on a separate piece of paper. Due Tuesday September 10, 2019.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Physics Textbook PDF

Physics Textbook PDF

Zitzewits, Elliott, Haase, Harter, Herzog, Nelson, Nelson, Schüler, Zorn. (2005) Physics Principles and Problems. Columbus, Ohio:McGraw Hill, Glance.

Phenomena Session 1

Here is the lab inquiry form we used on Friday August 30, 2019 which will go into your LNB page 21 with the phenomena session from Wednesday 8/28/19-8/29/19.

Here is a sample experiment from 8/30/19