Wednesday, December 4, 2019

SNB page 70-71 Electrostatic Notes

Click here for the Electrostatic Notes, for page 70 in SNB. **Note-we skipped many slides, shortened/summarized where possible.

Page 71 in SNB is a 4 box output-use 4 concepts from the notes to illustrate, color, explain.

Monday, December 2, 2019

CER: Van de Graaff generator SNB 68-69

Click here for the page on writing a CER for how the Van de Graaff generator works. This is for SNB page 68. Page 69 will be 2 drawings of device-see bottom of page 68.

Please see video below for demos.

Please see video below for an explanation on how it works.

See this website for more information on how it works.

Gravity SNB page 62-63

Click Here and Here for the 2 parts of "History of Gravity", which goes on SNB page 62.

Click here for Superheros puzzle, SNB page 63.

DSJ LNB page 52-53

DSJ #17:Elliptical Review                       LNB Page 52
Monday 11/18/19
DSJ Question: Explain the terms foci, aphelion and perihelion.  Then draw a sun at the foci and a planet with an elliptical orbit.  Label the 3 content terms.

DSJ Answer: (At least 5 sentences, number/highlight. You may use your SNB for help)

DSR: (3 things you learned in class today)

DSJ #18: Gravitation                                       LNB Page 53
Monday 12/2/19
DSJ Questions: Describe Newton’s Law of Gravitation.  Write the formula. Explain the variables.  Draw and label a scenario with planets using this law. 

DSJ Answers: (At least 5 sentences, number/highlight. Try to answer without notes, last resort refer SNB)