Friday, February 7, 2020

Rubber Band Car project


Design Statement Design and build a rubber band-powered vehicle which can carry a one-pound “load” the greatest distance in a straight line.

Materials & Restrictions There are no restrictions on materials, size, weight or number of wheels. However, the only energy source permitted is the elastic energy of one rubber band, size #33 (approx. 3.175 mm x 88.9 mm x 0.794 mm) or, if you prefer (approx. 1⁄8” wide by 3.5” long by 1/32” thick).
     Commercially assembled vehicles are NOT permitted. However, commercially manufactured components may be used as parts of the vehicle. The “load” will be a 454 gram (16 oz.) box (including contents) of Arm & Hammer Pure Baking Soda (8.9 cm x 11.2 cm x 5.1 cm ) or, if you prefer (approx. size: 3.5” x 4.5” x 2”).
     Objective To design a wheel-driven vehicle, powered only by one rubber band (size specified above), which will transport a “load” (specified above) the farthest distance (on a level, industrial type,tiled floor) while remaining within the boundaries of a 0.75 meter. wide parallel track (marked off with masking tape).  Speed is not a criteria.

1. Only one official rubber band per vehicle (provided by judges) will be given to
competitors. The rubber band may NOT be cut and must remain with the vehicle throughout the run  (NOTE: rubber band may be dragging from the vehicle at the end of the run).

2. Guard rails or a similar holding device must be part of the design on top of the vehicle to hold the “load” (load supplied by judges at the event). The “load” may NOT be tied or strapped to the vehicle (i.e., baking soda box must be easily placed on and removed from the vehicle).

3. Only one official run is permitted per vehicle. However, ten minutes prior to the assigned official run, vehicles may be tested and adjusted with provided rubber band.

4. The vehicle must be self-starting (i.e., no pushing, external power starts, etc.). Contestants are required to hold the vehicle behind the starting line and simply “let go” at the direction of the judges.

5. Propulsion of the vehicle must be through the wheels (i.e., no propellers, no launching mechanism).  Transferring the energy of the rubber band to wheels via gears, fly wheels, etc., is encouraged. No remote control devices are permitted.

Judging and Scoring
1. After the run, distance traveled will be measured and recorded in meters as follows:
Starting line to: a. the front of the vehicle when it stops; or
2. the point the vehicle strays outside the 0.75 meter wide track; or
3. the spot where vehicle drops the “load” or any associated parts.
4. Decision of judges, during all phases of the competition, is FINAL. In the event of a tie, prizes will
be equally distributed between winning entries.

Team:  Each team will consist of 4 engineers and have a name to identify the team.

***************Essay submittal must be made through digital upload (see class posting for information)        ********please set this up early in the week so that issues can be addressed before paper is submitted

Scoring and Timetable – Tentative and could change as the week progresses:  (see other side)
Monday   Team formation, brainstorming, and design. Think of a name for the vehicle and the team.   Smart phones and access to the internet is allowed during this process.  Must submit a blueprint showing exterior and interior vehicle including front view, top view, side view, back view.  Testing to see if you are reading:  huge tip – use cd’s for wheels and skateboard bearings for axle guides.  Think how you can cut friction.  Need to include all full names of team members on front of blueprint.  (1 for the team, not individual members).   Due by end of class.  No late submittals. - 50 pts  (see template for example)
Tuesday - Friday    Materials Due and build.  1 Poster Started – Poster must be in color and minimum size of 18 x 24 inches.  ONE PIECE – DO NOT PASTE/TAPE TOGETHER SMALL PIECES OF PAPER The poster will show a rendering of your vehicle.  The poster needs a title, labels, color, names of team members.  (be descriptive – 1 poster for team) Team members need to acquire material the day/night before and bring to class. DO NOT FOLD POSTER.  SUBMITTED POSTERS THAT HAVE CREASES FROM FOLDING WILL NOT RECEIVE CREDIT.  Theme of poster is similar to ad campaign – why your fuel/vehicle is the best. (utilize slogans, benefits, flashy design, creative name, etc)  Start Building vehicle.
Monday  #2  Competition – Poster Due.  Essay Due (see below), Vehicle Due.  No late submittal.  To receive full credit for vehicle, it must travel a distance of 1 meter.  (inside or outside of boundaries)
Essay on how this lab relates to labs and other chapters and what you learned individually and working with a team.  Title is:  SOS Lakeside HS Rubber Band Vehicle Contest.  This is an individual essay.  In other words, each team member must write their own essay.  Need to use formulas, explanations, vocabulary words, and applications.  Calculate the velocity, distance, acceleration (derived from practice runs).  You must also write about your role on the team and how the team decided on names, designs, construction, etc. The days this week mirrors what you might experience in a design, manufacturing, engineering company.  Describe the process including the interactions you had with your group.  Was there someone who controlled all the decisions?  How was it decided who took various roles?   It must be typed and double spaced. Are there any ways you might improve the design of your vehicle in the future.  Minimum length of essay is 2 pages double spaced. Cannot submit via email.  NO LATE SUBMITTALS.  EVERYTHING IS DUE ON TIME OR NO CREDIT.  (BLUEPRINT, POSTER, ESSAY, VEHICLE) Physics – Kinetic energy, potential energy, friction, momentum, etc. 
******must use digital upload ( for Canvas, select physics, find Rubber Band Car essay assignment, and upload your Word document)  - need green and blue scores towards full credit – any other colors will be heavily penalized     

                Points summary – DEDUCTED FOR NOT FOLLOWING CRITERIA
Blueprint due end of class Monday  50 pts  (must have all components required)
Poster Due  50 pts   Color, block letters, slogan, 3d car, team name, correct size
Vehicle Due  200 pts if min distance 1 m.    150pts < 1m     100pts working car
Essay Due 100 pts  2 pages, max 12pt font, typed, no email, roles, formulas, etc

EXTRA CREDIT – possible additional 300 points!!!!
Winner of race for class  100 pts AND elimination of lowest quiz score (cannot eliminate a quiz that had not been scored)

The top winning vehicle from all classes will represent Lakeside High School in the Physics competition at Knotts – if you are not attending the field trip, a representing team of 3 will submit your vehicle for competition. (team picked from 2nd place winner, 3rd place, etc.)  DATE to be announced

Extra Credit – team racing vehicle at Knotts – 100 pts – If vehicle wins some type of award, Knotts team and original designers/builders receive an additional 200 pts!  Note Lakeside holds distance record for 3 years in a row 8.3meters.  

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