*Announcement: please make sure you have already turned in your course selection to your counselors ASAP. Click here for a form. If you don't turn in your choices, your counselor will be selecting your courses for you for next school year!
Hello everybody! I hope that everyone is doing well and doing everything in your power to help stop/slow the spread of Covid-19. We are currently under orders to remain closed until June 19th. I will try to do my best to put any updates on here, but you can also make sure to check the district website and sign up for the Parent Square app which will give out more information too. During this extended time off, I thought I would open up notebook re-checks for you: you can go back and complete ANY assignments I have given out previously (nothing new!!) but complete and submit for full credit back. Now, this is not something traditionally done for physics so make sure to take the opportunity! I will add the points to your grade, but make sure to complete and email me pictures. I can't promise too much time grading, the further I get to my due date of April 30th, but I will make sure I get your make-up work entered for your final semester grade. I have already entered the scores of those individuals/teams that presented their end of the year research projects and put "M" missing scores for those who didn't present yet. You will need to complete the requirements (make sure to check in with your teammate-let me know if you need help there) and then upload them to Canvas or email me. The requirements are: individual 4 page essay, 12 slide PowerPoint, visual aid, and something you would have used for the class engagement activity. You have until June 1st to submit any work. If you need me at any time, please reach out via Remind or email mackenzie.anderson@leusd.k12.ca.us
Canvas course pages
- Period 3 physics https://leusd.instructure.com/courses/17736
- Period 5 physics https://leusd.instructure.com/courses/17738
I thought I would put together a list of resources for you, which are totally optional, not for any kind of grade.
- If students don't have access to internet, you can call 1.844.488.8398 during the school shutdown for free internet from Spectrum. You might have to sign up for an account and you may have to qualify... not sure this will work for everyone
District Enrichment & Info
- How to check your school email
- LEUSD has developed an online portal for parents, guardians, and caretakers to use at home for instructional enrichment while school closures are in effect. Lessons and activities are organized by grade level and contain age and grade-appropriate activities to stimulate critical thinking, to reinforce content skills, with an emphasis on parent/child interaction.
- Lakeside HS's Distance Learning help page
There is a reduced number of sites now, handing out meals. Please see district site for current information https://www.leusd.k12.ca.us
SENIORS-HERE IS A SURVEY ABOUT THE END OF THE YEAR, sent out on Parent Square too. Make sure your participate so your voice is heard! It was decided that seniors, class of 2020, do NOT have to complete their community service hours this year.
From the principal
Sent on behalf of Dr. Henry Romero... **
A Special Note for Grades 9-11 *** Please read the message below in its entirety
Dear Lancer Families,
I hope that this message finds you and your family in good health and safety during this holiday weekend. The purpose of this message is to keep you up-to-date and informed as more information is shared with us.
Last week, our Governor announced that schools would remain closed until June 19, which means our Lancers are not returning to our site to finish the school year. We want to assure you that learning, and College and Career Readiness will continue for Lakeside High School students through "distance learning" for the remainder of the school year. Additional information about statewide school closures can be found at cde.ca.gov.
We have also received information from the California Department of Education regarding graduation requirements, grading, and completing the 2019-2020 school year. The CSU and UC systems are adjusting their requirements for admission. Additional information can be found on the grades and graduation guidance documents at the CDE website. As our State, County and District continue to communicate to us regarding graduation requirements, we will continue to communicate to you.
We want to assure you that we love and care about your students, and we are working diligently with this new information to plan and prepare for all students toward college & career readiness.
To recap to this week, we began our technology distribution to families who completed the technology survey AND set up an appointment on Parent Square. Seniors and Juniors were given first priority to pick up their iPads. We will continue with iPad distribution next week (Weds.- Fri.) for Sophomores and Freshman. If you have yet to complete the technology distribution survey, please be advised that the survey is now closed. We will keep you updated as to when/if we are are able to open it back up for a second round of iPad distribution.
As we plan and prepare for the coming weeks, please partner with us to support your student's education in the following areas:
1) Check Infinite Campus to view your student's grades. Grades are now updated as ofTODAY, Friday, April, 10. These grades are reflective of all work assigned up to March 13, 2020.
2) Have your student email his/her teacher (*AND include their Counselor) for guidance on what enrichment assignments/make-up assignments to complete for grade improvement. During this time of distance learning, student grades can only improve from this point forward.
3) Please visit https://lhs.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/staff/ for teacher contact information and/or download the staff and counselor directories attached here. Also note that All LHS teachers are contracted to support students through distance learning (on-line instruction). Individual teacher office hours will posted on lhs.leusd.k12.ca.us by this evening (Friday, April 10). They are also included on the attachments.
4) Have your student continue to study for their AP exams which will be offered on-line. Contact AP teachers or go to apstudents.collegeboard.org for more information.
5) Have your student continue to prepare for College and Career Readiness by completing the enrichment activities which can be found athttps://www.leusd.k12.ca.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1695720&type=d&pREC_ID=1856778 or through equivalent teacher created enrichment activities & make-up assignments (assigned by March 13).
6) Check out our new Distance Learning page on our Lakeside website. This space will serve as a hub for all things distance learning. We will continue to add student resources to this space on a daily basis to support your student's distance learning needs. So please save this link and check back often!
Distance Learning – Academics – Lakeside High School Lakeside High School serves grades 9-12 and is part of Lake Elsinore Unified School District in Lake Elsinore, CA. lhs.leusd.k12.ca.us |
7) Make sure you are receiving information from Parent Square by email and text. If you are not receiving information, please email erin.hill@leusd.k12.ca.us .
8) Reach out to your student's counselor to provide further support to ensure your student makes as much progress toward College and Career readiness as possible. This is a great time for your students to enrich and improve their grades.
Rest assured, we will continue to work together to ensure you and your family receive the necessary support during these unprecedented times.
And thank you for all for your trust during these unpredictable times and know that the Lakeside staff is fully committed to support you and your precious Lancer(s) throughout this entire process.
Wishing you a safe and healthy holiday weekend,
Dr. Romero
For the love of science and cool stuff
- Zoom video-conferencing app, get more than just a basic free account right now with school email
- Germ transmission activity (I was going to do after Spring Break!)
- Fossil Fridays, live chat on Facebook
- AP testing information
- Coding classes
- Virtual dissections
- Free online college courses
- Free educational subscriptions
- Virtual Field Trips
For fun!
- Pasta making
- Homemade tortillas
- Drawing classes
- How to make Crystal Geode Eggs
- Know how to sew?? Sew face masks not as good as N95 masks, but maybe better than nothing!
- Harry Potter escape room
- Art at home-lots of resources!
- Disney coloring pages
- Check out a virtual tour of Hawaii
- Virtual tours of 33 National Parks
- 12 famous museums virtual tours
- Homemade Disinfecting Wipes how to
- virtual Disneyland rides
For younger siblings
- Scavenger hunts
- Free online resources
- Scholastic daily courses
- Toddler development activities
- Spring activities
- Indoor playing
- 100+ Indoor activities
- Free educational worksheets, PK-5th grade
- ABC Mouse is offering free membership now. Code: SCHOOL7771
- PK-5th grade educational packets
- Celebrities read stories
- Fluency & Fitness-exercise brains & bodies
For exercise
- you can follow our Sports Med/bio/anatomy teacher's Instagram at lakesides_sportsmed
- Free online workouts
Please let me know if you have more resources to add, questions, need help, or want to send me pictures of your work!! Remind (text 81010 the message of @eehh67) or email Mackenzie.anderson@leusd.k12.ca.us
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